If we look at how society has evolved, from tribal societies we move on to another social structure in the modern world where people work in a special way and can do it in a global environment from anywhere in the world because of the emergence of technology. and the Internet.
Thanks to innovative motivational and reference systems, it offers clients and sellers opportunities to increase their income.
WDX is a new generation digital distribution platform for trading in agricultural currency. WDX offers innovative and multi-level reference systems.
How Does WorldexExchange Buy / Sell and Crypto Rewards
On the platform there are several payment options that will allow many people to use the service. Users can also buy, sell or exchange multiple currencies on a platform,
- Such as bitcoyne (BTC),
- Ethereum (ETH),
- currency WorldEx (WDX),
- currency ZoZo (ZZC),
- Currency Lite (LTC).
Internal transactions and interactions on the platform will be performed via WorldEX (WDX) tokens. Users or investors can receive tokens at the time of the Initial Currency Proposal. Platform users can also earn tokens from referrals or motivational programs. Token holders can use tokens to access motivational programs, auctions, unions and the internal CPA network. Owners of tokens will receive discounts on any purchases or payments that they make using tokens.
- Five-level personal help program
- Profit from personal and collective achievements
- Monetize created content
- Syndication for generating income from joint activities
- Five-level personal help program
- Customer service 24 hours a day, 24 hours a week
- Target and audience that generate content early in the project
- A simple technique for obtaining internal and external traffic
WDX icon: main advantages
The WDX current is the priority of the internal mechanism of interaction on the Abyss platform. Salary under the program of redirection and motivation is paid by WDX tokens. Most internal services depend only on WDX tokens
Motivation and routing programs, auctions, internal CPA networks and connections depend only on the WDX tokens
Unlike fiduciary payments, when paying for purchases of games using WDX tokens, users receive a discount
1/3 of the internal CPA commission on the network platform and the auction transaction will be burned through a smart contract.
WorldEx Exchange Token WDX ICO Details
Worldex Exchange currently conducts ICO until May 30. Investments for the WDX token can be done using Ethereum.
Distribution of funds
- Development of exchange at Worldex: 35%
- Marketing: 50%
- Research: 15%
To contribute and learn about the progress of this proposal, you can visit some of the following links:
WEB SITE: https://ico.worldex.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://ico.worldex.io/Cloud/Whitepaper.pd
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Ex_Worldex
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Worldex_Exchange
Author : dimasarwana
Eth : 0x37aE0f3c911523fc5DEE4ba2Aea567bC1ce22735
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